Critical Evaluation and future development (Internal Dive)

English: I started this master's degree with the interest in developing my artistic practice and from this, I could start to build my voice within the context of contemporary art. In the first year of the course, I was still very involved with the end of my Brazilian MA, for which I wrote a dissertation… Continue reading Critical Evaluation and future development (Internal Dive)

FLOOD_ Symposium 2

English  At first, I wanted this video to be more poetic. A piece of art by itself. Almost a video statement that could account for presenting me as an artist. When I started putting my thoughts in order and in text format I felt a bit lost- how to summarize everything I'm thinking and building… Continue reading FLOOD_ Symposium 2

Character Building w. Madeline Dae

English:  Earlier this year I helped Maddie explore her research on character building, selfie and face transformation from makeup, which is an illusion of light and shadow through makeup to hide flaws or highlight positive features (a practice started by Drag Queen community to look more feminine).  We went to Camberwell's professional photographic studio and… Continue reading Character Building w. Madeline Dae