I miss the rainy days.

English: I think that since I was very young I love rain and puddles of water. I believe there is something magical about the water that fell from the sky, often unexpectedly. The day gets different, the smell of the air changes, people get transformed. And I often get caught taking pictures and watching the… Continue reading I miss the rainy days.


English: I believe that I have stayed here several times about how the element of water is a great part of my life. I grew up on the shore of a dam and I feel it's like an ocean, I find magic rainy days and taking baths organizes my thoughts. But water and its mysteries… Continue reading Submerge

Impromptu, 2018 (POP-UP Exhibition)

English: During this master's degree process and within the artistic universe I am increasingly assuming and embracing my profile as producer. I love helping colleagues, especially in the organization of the exhibitions and I feel that the artistic making goes beyond the practice and the studio, it continues into the galleries and exhibition spaces and… Continue reading Impromptu, 2018 (POP-UP Exhibition)

2017/2018 Between Flights #5

English: I can only start this text with a very cliché comment: time always goes faster than I would like. December 2017: another journey involving documents, luggage, airports, homesickness, expectations, and luggage. Another brief visit to São Paulo - Brazil, my city full of contradictions, so loved and hated in the same intensity, that embraces… Continue reading 2017/2018 Between Flights #5